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Online 3D Data Viewer - User Manual


 Our Online 3D Data Viewer is a WebGL based viewer which renders our data in your web browser.



Menu Bar - The menu bar can be opened or closed using the triple

                    stacked bar icon


Map - Clicking the map icon will show an Open Street Map.

           Loaded Tiles - Are shown by the shaded blue area

           Viewer Location - is shown by the blue triangle outline.

                                     - Tip is the viewer location, and the flat end

                                        points in the direction of the viewer


Navigation - Rotate, left click and drag

                  - Pan, right click and drag

                  - Scroll Wheel, controls zoom and/or navigation speed

                    depending on navigation setting


Navigation Settings, are found in the tools menu.


Earth Control - Rotation is around point selected with mouse

                              - Scroll wheel controls zoom and navigation speed


Fly Control - Rotation is about the viewer position

                          - Scroll wheel changes only changes zoom and navigation speed in Perspective view


Helicopter Control - Rotation is about the viewer position

                                     - Scroll wheel changes only changes zoom and navigation speed in Perspective view


Orbit Control - Model rotates around the center of the viewer

                             - Scroll wheel controls zoom and navigation speed


Full Extents - Shows the extents of the loaded point cloud tiles

                           - does not change navigation controls


Navigation Cube - Enables a navigation cube, similar to many 3D drafting programs

                                   - does not change navigation controls


Model Views - these buttons provide quick links to cardinal views (west, east, north, south, top, and bottom)


Quick Navigation Menu


- Navigation


- Appearance


- Tools

      · Measurements

      · Clipping


- Scene Settings

      · Properties

              · Measurements

           · Point Clouds

      · Attributes

           · Point Clouds

              · LiDAR


- Classification




Field of view - This is set at 20 degrees by default to allow for close inspection of the data.


Point budget - The number of points visible at one time, default is one million, maximum is set at ten million. If the viewer is "chattering" during navigation please reduce the point budget.


Eye Dome Lighting - Increases the contrast and depth perception of the model. The size (radius) and strength (opacity) of the lighting effect are adjustable.


Eye Dome LightingDirectional Lighting


Background - The background can be disabled by selecting "None" for a slight increase in performance.


Splat Quality - This enables 3D rendering of each point. Rendering the points as ProlateSpheroids instead of flat disks increases the detail visible.


ProlateSphere RenderingFlat Disk Rendering


Min node size - Adjusts the minimum rendered node size, smaller values result in higher quality rendering.


Box - Shows bozes of equal rendered point density, this is useful for visualizing the effects adjusting the point budget and field of view.


Lock View - Locks the position of the viewer, while still allowing the direction the the viewer to be changed.




General user controls are left click to select points, and right click to end a measurement. All measurements can be cleared using the button.

Measurements can be edited by left clicking and then dragging to reposition a selected point.


   Angle Measurement - Displays the angles between three user selected points. Be advised that this tool functions in 3D.


    Point Measurement  - Gives the GPS coordinates of a point, the datum, coordinate type, epoch time, and geoid are listed at the top of the setting menu under the Prairie 3D logo.



Usually the coordinates use a NAD83 datum and Metric UTM, meaning all coordinates are in meters and elevation is meters above mean sea level.


To convert coordinates use the Natural Resources Canada's TRX Online tool:


    Distance Measurement - Measures the distance between two or multiple points selected by left clicking, point selection is ended by right clicking.

Select the distance measurement in the Object section of the Scene tool bar to view the location of each of the selected points.



    Height Measurement - Measures the elevation difference between two points selected by left clicking.



    Area Measurement - 3D area measurement of a surface bounded by left click selected points, stop selecting points be right clicking.

Select the area in the Object section of the Scene tool bar

to view the location of each of the bounding points.


    Volume Measurement - 3D area measurement of a volume bounded a right angled rectangular prism. The prism is initially placed by left clicking. The size of the rectangular prism can be adjusted by left clicking and dragging. The angle of the prism about the x,y, or z axes can be adjusted by left clicking on the arc corresponding to the desired axis of rotation and dragging to rotate.



    Height Profile - Takes a 2D profile between two or multiple left click selected points. The profile can be displayed by selecting

"show 2d profile" under object properties in the scene tool

bar as shown to the right. The profile width can also be

adjusted to increase or decrease the number of selected




    Volume Clipping - the clipping is bounded a right angled rectangular prism. The prism is initially placed by left clicking. The size of the rectangular prism can be adjusted by left clicking and dragging. The angle of the prism about the x,y, or z axes can be adjusted by left clicking on the arc corresponding to the desired axis of rotation and dragging to rotate.


    Polygon Clipping - the clipping area is bounded by points selected by left clicking. The area is closed by a right click, similar to the area measurement tool above.


    Draw Selection Clipping - This tool can only be used while in the orthographic view. Left click and drag to select an area to clip. A following left or right click selects the area.



 General Clipping Controls


    Clipping Task - This selects how the clipping is viewed in the 3D viewer, the different views are shown below.


          None - Only the thin black bounding box is visible

          Highlight - All points inside of the clipped area are coloured red.

          Inside - Only points inside the clipped area are visible

          Outside - Only points outside the clipped area are visible


    Clipping Method - Allows the clipping to be a combination or subtraction of two overlapping clipping selections.


          Inside Any - Shows all active clipping selections

          Inside All - Shows overlap of active clipping selections




To utilize the Properties or Attribute sections of the scene panel, a specific point cloud or measurement must be selected by left clicking its name under the objects header. Folders can be opened and closed using the arrow symbols to their left.

The check boxes to the left of each folder and data set turn them on or off.




           Measurements - Selecting a measurement will display all the information

           about the selected points and the relations between them as shown below.




           Point Clouds - The size, shape, and opacity of the points in each cloud

           can be set.


                      Size - Points can be sized between 1 and 3


                      Sizing - Point can be of fixed size, attenuated, or adaptively resized


                      Shape - Points can be square, circular, or paraboloid.

                                 - Paraboloid is highest quality, square is fastest to load


                      Opacity - is the transparency, this may be disabled by some browsers





           Point Clouds - The following attributes are available for all point clouds.

           The user must select a point cloud, and the attribute panel will appear below

           the properties panel in the scene task bar.


                      RGB - This is the default attribute, displays the color of each point

                               - The Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast of the displayed points

                               can be adjusted to improve clarity on your specific monitor


                     Elevation - Points are color coded using an Atlas Shader scaled to the

                                      maximum and minimum elevations in the model.

                                     - The elevation range and color and shader can be adjusted

                                     using the panel shown to the right.


                      RGB and Elevation - The elevation shader is overlayed on the RGB

                                     points at 50% transparency to improve object recognition.


RGB and ElevationElevation


                      Classification - Points can be classified as ground (brown), vegetation

                                              (green), buildings (orange), unclassified (gray)


                      RGB and Classification -  The classification colours are overlayed on

                                              the RGB points at 50% transparency to improve object



RGB and ClassificationClassification


                      Level of Detail - The rendered point density is shown from dark purple

                                              (maximum density) to low density areas in beige.


RGB ColourizedLevel of Detail


           LiDAR - The following attributes are available for LiDAR point clouds only.

           The user must select a point cloud, and the attribute panel will appear below

            the properties panel in the scene task bar.


                      Intensity - Intensity of the infrared reflection from the LiDAR shown as

                               a black and white where white is reflection and black, absorption


                      Intensity Gradient - Instead of black and white the LiDAR intensity is

                              mapped to a gradient map to improve contrast


Intensity GradientIntensity


                      Source - Colorizes the point cloud by which laser collected the data.

                               With a high number of lasers effects are only visible close up.


Zoomed Source ViewSource


                      Return Number - The oder the LiDAR pulse is incident on the sensor.

                              Materials such as vegetation, windows, mesh, or airborne

                              particulates may lead to multiple returns from a single pulse



Classification Filters


Classes of points can be turned on and off using the classification filters, checked filters are visible in the 3D viewer. Keep in mind that not all classes of points are available in all point cloud files but will still be shown int eh filter menu.


The filters operate in combination with previously selected clipping masks and displayed attributes.


© Prairie3D 2017 Saskatoon, SK


Web Design by

© Prairie3D 2017 Saskatoon, SK


Web Design by